Team building and negotiation residential course

team building

Course description

This three-day residential course touches on all aspects of communication with a focus on negotiation to improve language skills, interpersonal skills in business negotiations and to learn fundamentals for successful negotiations. As this is a residential course, Team Building is always present and for this reason, this seminar is particularly suitable for companies wishing to develop and enrich relationships within and between their teams.

The design is entirely customisable and of great impact and effectiveness.
The location is usually an agritourism, but you can suggest any structure you are familiar with.

Participants will be intensively engaged by alternating classroom time with role-play, net-working and conviviality.


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Assessment test - CEFR

The CEFR test (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is the system devised by European countries to unambiguously describe the level at which an individual speaks and understands a foreign language. Our comprehensive test consists of a 45-minute online written test and a 15-minute zoom interview to assess oral comprehension, production and interaction skills. The results are numeric and refer to the CEFR and international language standards. The test is crucial for effective course design and when repeated at the end of the project allows for an objective measurement of the results achieved. It is an excellent tool for an accurate assessment.

Are you interested in taking the free test?

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to an expert?

CEFR assessment test

We have prepared an accurate assessment test in Italian, English, French, Spanish and German. It takes the form of an online test and an oral interview.
The results are given in numbers based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and international language standards.

Once you have taken the test, we will send you an email with the result and make arrangements for the oral test, which consists of a 15-minute interview in the language.

A personal language needs analysis is also performed at this stage to find out your individual target in order to customise the course content.

Request your access now!

Assessment test - CEFR

If you would like feedback from one of our experts before deciding whether or not to take the test, please tell us which language you are interested in.
We will write to you to arrange an appointment.

Contact one of our experts and make an appointment.